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character uberich adventsinners advent sinners UAS galgame visualnovel visual novel VN AVG ADV adventure game soundnovel 18 anime 神罪降临 神罪降臨 アドベントシナーズ アドベント シナーズ ユーバーイッチ universe evolves lovers eternal love NBDR NBDRGames

Lonely White Death

Naomi Hartson

Living with Ophelia, she should be attending grade 5 or 6 in a primary school but she doesn't go to school at all.

Having a lot of free time on hand everyday, she is always looking for new ways of having fun. Harassing Joe is her daily vices. She beats him in most of the games.

Appearing in book 1.

Age: 12 y

Gender: Female

Bust: 67 cm

DOB: Jul 27

Height: 155 cm

BP: 1.5/2.5 kpa

Waist: 54 cm

Weight: 39 kg

HR: 24 bpm

Hip: 78 cm



is a visual novel developed by NBDR Games.

© 2024 SageZX, NBDR Games. All rights reserved.


The universe evolves 
with lovers 
and their eternal love.

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